For the last couple of years a test nursery for Seagrass Restoration has been housed next to our Ocean Club facility in the south marina. The project has been delivered through the Reef Island Initiative, a Great Barrier Reef Foundation program, supported by funding from Lendlease, the Australia’s Government’s Reef Trust, the Queensland Government and the Fitzgerald Family Foundation. A passionate team from CQ University and Reef Catchments has led the research and due to the success of the project to date, additional funding has been secured for a more permanent upscaled nursery here at the marina.
The project is focused on collecting, cultivating and germinating seagrass seeds to enhance the seagrass meadows in Pioneer Bay, the bay adjacent to the marina’s rock wall. Coral Sea Marina is proud to support this project but providing a location for the nursery site, as well as delivering opportunities for community engagement and education via the Coral Sea Academy.
How can you get involved?
Once the new nursery site is open, you can head down to A Arm to take a look at the flourishing seagrass and learn some more about the project OR volunteer opportunities are available to assist with the seagrass flower collection – see below: