Abell Point marina owner Paul Darrouzet has been successful in his defamation action against the Australian Financial Review (A.F.R.) regarding two articles published on the 18th and 19th of August.
Both articles implied he received a commercial benefit as a result of political donations in 2013.
A detailed correction published on page two of the A.F.R. on Tuesday 25th of November withdrew any and all allegations raised, whilst also acknowledging the donations were both legal, and correctly declared in accordance with all Australian Electoral Commission requirements.
In addition the apology was linked to all A.F.R. internet sites and any relevant social media.
As well as the correction details the newspaper has also paid all Mr Darrouzets legal costs.
Mr Darrouzet stated “it is entirely appropriate for this publication to withdraw these ridiculous allegations, apologise and pay costs as the whole thing was fabricated by a reporter who obviously has no regard for the truth. The articles were a disgrace and whilst they have now been corrected should never have been published in the first place.”
“The other thing I find interesting is that when the allegations were published in August there were particular high profile media channels and social media such as Get Up, Allan Jones and the local ABC that ran with the story, also not bothering to check the facts. Now the truth is in the public domain all we hear is their absolute silence.”
Related media articles;
Whitsunday Times – http://www.whitsundaytimes.com.au/news/marina-owner-takes-steps-to-clear-name/2405672/
Whitsunday Times – http://www.pressreader.com/bookmark/nh9Mlyz%2fdjDiVnMLWem%2fCVluYGkhCFDc12AE34UN47I%3d/
Australian Financial Review –http://www.afr.com/p/national/lnp_supporter_paul_darrouzet_granted_H56FCT5lzRinFun8UfGHiK