Over the past two days there have been unconfirmed crocodile sightings in and around the marina.
We would like to take this opportunity to provide our online community with some information about living with wildlife and being CrocWise. Please click here for crocodile information from the Department of Environmental Science.
We would also like to remind all customers, that there is no swimming, diving, hull scrubbing or other in-water activities permitted within Coral Sea Marina Resort, per our marina rules.
Estuarine and freshwater crocodiles are an important part of north and central Queensland’s wetlands, freshwater and marine areas. They are often the largest predator in these areas and help to maintain the overall health and balance of these ecosystems. Estuarine crocodiles live mainly in tidal reaches of rivers, as well as in freshwater lagoons, swamps and waterways up to hundreds of kilometres from the sea. They can even occur along some beaches and around offshore islands. Estuarine crocodiles can be active at any time.
For more information about about living with wildlife, please visit the Department of Environmental Science website, or click this link – https://environment.des.qld.gov.au/wildlife/livingwith/crocodiles/crocodiles__be_croc_wise.html
To report crocodile sightings or incidents call 1300 130 372