For immediate release | Monday 28th September 2020
“The past few months have taught us all to cherish our families. Spending time together, playing together, laughing together and in some cases, like ours, surviving together.
If we have learned one thing, it is this: families matter.”
Whilst the Whitsundays region has had its fair share of adversity over the past few years, the community has always shown incredible resilience and determination – and never more so than during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic has brought people together in unexpected ways and has shown just how important connections such as friendship and family are. For the team at Coral Sea Marina Resort (CSMR), it has highlighted an opportunity to bring together operators – and in many cases competitors – in a united marketing campaign.
Coral Sea Marina Resort is home to more than 60 award-winning marine tourism operators who have spent years building their reputations across the globe. With the current restrictions on international travel, the future of these small tourism businesses is now solely reliant upon Australians supporting their own.
At the centre of the campaign is an invitation, “From our Family to Yours”, to all Australians to come and visit the Whitsundays, connect with family and friends, and offer support to the family owned and operated businesses that call CSMR home.
“This campaign was born from a need for us to look after our own and support them as best as we can during these challenging times. We wanted to shine a light on our slice of paradise and the real people behind the family-owned marine tourism businesses who work tirelessly to provide our visitors with incredible experiences.”, explained Coral Sea Marina Resort CEO, Kate Purdie.
“One in three jobs in Airlie Beach is directly related to tourism and more than 600 people come to work at Coral Sea Marina every week,” she said. “If you choose to make your next holiday destination the Whitsundays, you won’t be helping just one business – you will be helping our entire community.”
Marina Marketing, Sales & Service Manager, Joscelyn O’Keefe explains, “With so many of our operators usually reliant on international tourism, our message is clear – it is time for Australians to explore Australia! We know we have the best tourism operators in the business, and we are incredibly proud they call our marina home. This campaign is aimed at spreading that message far and wide throughout Australia, so we can increase visitation to the Whitsunday region over the next 12 months.”
With a 520-berth marina, 77 room boutique hotel and vibrant resort village, Coral Sea Marina Resort is a premium holiday destination on the Queensland coast. As the only 5 Gold Anchor Platinum Accredited marina in Queensland, Coral Sea Marina Resort is the ultimate destination to stay, play and explore the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef.
Ms O’Keefe says, “We urge Australians to share our video with their family and friends and be inspired for a Whitsunday holiday. We are extending an invitation from our family to yours and we are ready to welcome you.”
Find out more about the Coral Sea Marina Resort family here – Click here for the campaign video.
Media Contact: | 0488 049 807