Whitsunday Regional Council today voted unanimously to approve the detailed design for the $6.3 million Airlie Beach Foreshore Revitalisation Project.
Mayor Andrew Willcox said once completed, the newly developed foreshore area will provide a place where residents and tourists can gather, attend events and relax in a high-quality seaside environment.
“This will activate the Airlie Beach foreshore and improve connectivity along our attractive beach frontage via the Bicentennial Walkway.
“Features of the project include an improved area for markets, 65 extra sealed car parks, a new sound stage and tourist bus hub, a refurbished amenities block and a massive new playground with sails,” he said.
Other features of the project include:
• 65 extra sealed carparks,
• 120 market stalls,
• Festoon lighting,
• New landscaped gardens and turf,
• 180+ New trees and palms, 3000 new shrubs
• 3m wide pedestrian path,
• New and easy to read way finding throughout,
• New furniture including picnic tables, bike racks, drinking fountains, mobile phone charging stations,
• New basketball half court
• New shaded umbrellas throughout
• Another shade structure with BBQs
Mayor Willcox said Council will now start the tender process with construction expected to start in May and be completed by early December this year.
The Airlie Beach Foreshore Revitalisation Project is an initiative of Council and funded by the Queensland State Government.
To view the detailed foreshore design, visit Council’s website.
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Greg Martin, Communications and Marketing Manager
Ph: 07 4945 0617 or E:
PO Box 104 Proserpine Qld 4800