Thursday 11th December from 5:30pm at North Marina Training Room, followed by a BBQ in the Village.
The Abell Point Yacht Club committee look forward to your attendance and involvement in the APYC Annual General Meeting. All committee, members and interested parties are welcome with all suggestions valued. The Abell Point Yacht Club requires active support to continue to build on and off water events to ensure a value proposition for future members. Now being supported under the Coral Sea Marina Resort brand and redevelopment project, the APYC has an exciting opportunity to strengthen in numbers and raise the profile of the club through the development of a committed and dedicated committee and member support base. Please forward this invitation to others in the sailing and boating community interested in being a part of a yacht club willing and ready to make a change for future success.
If you are not able to attend this AGM at Abell Point but would like to be involved then please contact us. Please note Proxy nominations will be accepted provided they are signed by nominee and submitted in writing to undersigned.
If you have any enquiries, apologies, nominations or agenda items please phone the Treasurer Almuth Lorenz on 0438799689. We look forward to your support.
Rupert King (Commodore) 0406 077703
Annual General Meeting – APYC Agenda 2014
- Apologies
- Acceptance of the Minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting
- Business arising from Minutes
- President’s/ Commodore Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Committee Members 2015 – Secretary, Treasurer, President
- Suggested Appointments
- General Business
- Close of AGM