Extreme Weather Events
An extreme weather event is potentially hazardous or dangerous weather which can include damaging or destructive winds, heavy rain, abnormally high tides and damaging waves, as well as tropical lows and cyclones. In tropical Queensland, extreme weather occurs more commonly from November to April. It is imperative all customers of Coral Sea Marina are well educated and prepared for the possibility of extreme weather regardless of experience.
Responsibility & Safety within the Marina
Masters and owners have an obligation, under the Transport Operations Marine Safety Act 1994 s.41, at all times, to take appropriate precautions for the safety of their vessels, passengers and crew. No action taken by marina management or staff at any time will impact on or override the absolute legal responsibility of Masters and Owners. Vessel Owners are responsible for ensuring their vessel is prepared thoroughly prior to any extreme weather and are held liable for any damages caused by their vessel.
Season Preparation
Prior to the storm season commencing in November the marina conducts an internal review of all its extreme weather procedures and plans. We hold free ‘Extreme Weather Preparedness’ information sessions for those who are new to the area or would like a refresher on what we consider to be best practice in the event extreme weather. This is the period when you should ensure you have everything in place to enact your extreme weather plan as required.
We have developed a comprehensive guide for vessel masters and owners which will greatly assist in your planning for an extreme weather event. CLICK HERE to download our Extreme Weather Procedure – Vessel Masters & Owners.
Maritime Safety Queensland has also developed significant resources to assist boat owners in their planning for the safety of their vessel in the event of extreme weather. Links below:
Maritime Safety Queensland Portal
Appendix 12 – Whitsundays Extreme Weather Event Contingency Plan 2024-2024
What can I expect at the marina in an Extreme Weather event?
As Extreme Weather approaches, Coral Sea Marina may systematically shut down all facilities and services. If you fail to act early, you will find it increasingly difficult to prepare adequately. You should refer to our Extreme Weather Procedure as a basis for your vessel preparations.
Please note also, that the Regional Harbour Master (Mackay) may order a Port Closure at any time during our preparations, in which case all vessel movements within the marina must cease.
After an Extreme Weather Event has passed, it is important not to expect immediate access to your vessel/s. Our team will be working quickly to assess the safety of marina infrastructure and planning the marina’s reopening. You will be notified when it is safe for you to access your vessel.
Our primary method of communication to guests, tenants and commercial operators of Coral Sea Marina throughout an extreme weather event is via email and SMS. Please be sure that the marina has the correct contact information on file for you to receive these alerts and act on them if needed. We also post updates on our website and Facebook pages.
Coral Sea Marina will activate its Extreme Weather Plan in 4 main stages:
Advanced Preparation
Advanced Preparation
Advanced Preparation (Between 5 to 2 days until Destructive Winds)
Masters and Owners should use this time to ensure everything is in place and ready to put your Extreme Weather Plan into action.
Vessel masters and owners may be contacted at this time where marina staff have concerns around vessel preparedness.
During this phase the following services are likely to be impacted:
- Access to Ocean Club – Full access will be limited as we pack down this facility. We will endeavour to maintain access to amenities for as long as possible.
- Access and use of the Lookout Lounge and Gym.
Following phases can move fast if the system develops and directly impacts our region.
Yellow - Advice
Yellow - Advice
Advice (From 48 to 24 hours until Destructive Winds)
This phase is a critical time for masters and owners to plan and prepare for the impact of the event.
All Vessels should be fully secured to the docks as indicated in CSM’s Extreme Weather Procedure for Owners and Masters.
If your insurance requires you to have left the region during an extreme weather event, you should be leaving as early as possible in this phase if it is safe to do so.
As early as possible in this phase CSM will look to engage a qualified independent consultant to assess private vessels for preparedness. Please act where appropriate if your vessel is identified as needing attention. Further information will be emailed at the time.
During this phase Coral Sea Marina will move to secure most remaining items around the marina precinct. Marina services will be impacted including access to:
- CSM trolleys
- Bins
- Private amenities
- Courtesy Cars
- Gas refills
- Fuel Wharf
Orange - Watch & Act
Orange - Watch & Act
Watch & Act (From 24 to 12 hours until Destructive Winds)
Coral Sea Marina expects all vessels to have their extreme weather plans fully implemented or able to be fully implemented shortly after the announcement of this stage. Preparations must be centred on the possibility that an Evacuation Order could be announced within 12-18 hours.
Sustained and intensified wind conditions are likely to have occurred by this time. It is highly recommended to check on your vessel early in this phase to ensure all preparations remain in place as intended as ropes may have stretched or fixtures worked loose.
All Private Guests and Commercial Operators should have already vacated the Marina. Anyone remaining must finalise their preparations.
Once vessel preparations are complete, we encourage all persons to vacate the marina where possible.
Should conditions deteriorate and have the potential to threaten the safety of persons, property or infrastructure, Coral Sea Marina will:
- Close the FUEL WHARF
- Isolate POWER*, WATER and GAS
- Secure and lock all CSM Trolleys
Disruption of these essential services will be communicated via SMS and Email with short notice.
Note: Should power be isolated, the disconnection and stowing of all shore power leads for all vessels is mandatory. Please consider this prospect ahead of time and plan to remove all shore power leads immediately upon such notification. Shore power leads that have not been disconnected by vessel Masters or Owners will be removed by marina staff and stowed on the vessel where practicable. Although all care will be taken, we accept no responsibility for any damage caused in disconnecting shore power leads. It is the Master or Owners responsibility to reconnect shore power once it has been deemed safe to do so by marina management.
Red - Emergency Warning
Red - Emergency Warning
Emergency Warning (Less than 6 hours until Destructive Winds)
Port Closure
Once the port has been declared closed by the Regional Harbour Master, NO movement of vessels out of Coral Sea Marina are permitted unless approved by the Regional Harbour Master.
Mandatory Evacuation Order
Whitsunday Police will issue an evacuation order of the RED Zone should a storm surge be predicted. If issued, this is a mandatory order and is enforceable by QPS.
Coral Sea Marina Evacuation Order
Separate to the above mandatory evacuation order, if circumstances are such that marina management deems it unsafe to occupy a portion or all of the marina, marina management will issue its own evacuation order.
If Power, Water or Gas has not already been isolated in the ORANGE phase, these services may be isolated without notice if deemed necessary for safety reasons.